Me And My Hello Kitty.

Me And My Hello Kitty.
Me And My Hello Kitty Says Drop Dead.

Thursday 28 October 2010

Catch Up....

Ok, so i have been asked to start using this regularly again by a few people. So this is for you. As i used to i will start with something of Briemo's, then i'll go onto a music album i CAN'T stop listening to, then probely just rant on again like usual. Hope you like my new blog!

Ok so maybe not, as Briemo's website isn't working. Well i have some other news which i've accidently done through my blogs, type in Briemo in lower case or upper case letter and you get 3 pictures from my blogs: Antony, RhineStone and one of Briemo's poems, and i do apologise to anyone who's pictures do go on google imgaes due to my blogs. So i think i will lay off the images for a bit. Anyway now to the album.

The album i do just love is Lady Gaga The Fame, This album Is extremely different to the other's, just like her really but I've viewed it. This Is a more dancing/charts cd, for when your with your friends, or just fancy a party. It would more than likely get you dancing. Anyway back to Lady Gaga, my favourite has to be Love Game, It's the best song on the whole cd, I mean the music Is good but the lyrics are powerful, and have so much meaning behinde them. The bit that caught my eye the most was: “Let's play a lovegame, Play a lovegame, Do you want love? Or you want fame? Are you in the game?Doin' the lovegame”. See I find the lyrics powering aswell as clever. Aswell as lyrics being clever, I find the album cover so strange, but clever at the same time, as it's half glass glasses and the rest black, i really like who she is and what she stands for, she's so different, and reminds me of me to be honest. My favourite's on the album are: Poker Face, Paparazzi Love Game and Just Dance.
My Grade: 9.1/10.

Now a rant as prommissed.

Have you seen that new cadburys chocolate fingers advert, in my opinion i find that VERY racists. They do have white cadburys chocolate fingers, yet they aren't shown in the advert, in my opinion it could have advertised both, or just been less racists by putting them in.

Aswell as taht advert have you seen that K.I.A advert, that's AWFUL! Keith, Ian and Andy, someone needs to be sacked, the worst idea i've ever heard of, even my little 9 year brother could have done better! And im being serioud, im teaching him how to draw, and he's like im the only crap drawer in this house, so im taking time out of my life to help him, and he's getting better. He is just like me at this age, i can't draw, im nto going to attempt *chucks pencil on floor and walks off in temper*. I kinda miss being young to be honest, they have it easy, they don't face the hurtfulness of: LOVE, FRIENDS, FAMILY and the rest of the stuff we have to go through, well i said i wouldn't have a boyfriend, but i've had a lot (not being big headed), but i have and i wish i never went out with any of them, i like a lad at the moment anyway, im hoping he's different.

Anyways thats enough ranting on for a day, hope you liked my catch up blog.

Love Ellie Vanity.

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