Me And My Hello Kitty.

Me And My Hello Kitty.
Me And My Hello Kitty Says Drop Dead.

Monday 8 November 2010


I think you all should message me or something on facebook about day to day updates.... I'm really bad at doing day to day ones. Sooo.....

Not alot has happened, had some new pics of me taken and that's about it. But i can't just put a 2 dentence blog so time to stretch!

I was playing with a SLINKY! I haven't played or seen one of those in AGES! I was really excitied, yes i am that sad. But i'm allways honest in my blogs, never fake, like some blogs i read on here, there PATHETIC! But anyway im not going to start another rant on about fake people, GAHH they wind me up. Anyway back to the SLINKY it was so cool it was longer than a normal one and GOLD! It was my favourite but didn't get to keep it. How sad?

I really don't know what to right about now...... I need comments/inboxes on what i should blog about  in future, so feel free <3.

Love Ellie Vanity.

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