Me And My Hello Kitty.

Me And My Hello Kitty.
Me And My Hello Kitty Says Drop Dead.

Monday 15 November 2010


I love you all who read my blogs, you truely mean alot. So i got my Blood On The Dance Floor Epic Bundle today, and the album I'm going to rate, let me just say worth having a listen to!

The album i do just love is Blood On The Dance Floors Epic, This album Is extremely different to the other's, just like them really but I've viewed it. This Is a more dancing, moshing anything cd to be honest, for when your with your friends, or just fancy a party. It would more than likely get you dancing. Anyway back to Blood On The Dance Floor, my favourite has to be Believe, It's the best song on the whole cd, I mean the music Is good but the lyrics are powerful and have a whole story behinde it, which i will tell you at the end of this review. The bit that caught my eye the most was: “Believe in me, Just keep your faith and believe in all that you make.Believe in me, My love is not a gamble; You can count on me”. See I find the lyrics powering aswell as clever. Aswell as lyrics being clever, I find the album cover so strange, but clever at the same time, as it's Dahvie (left) and Jayy (right) looking so different but i love it, they are two amazing lads and i have proof Dahvie spoke to me which i will also upload a picture of after this review. My favourite's on the album are: CandyLand, Lose Control, Party On and I.D.G.A.F.
My Grade: 9.7/10.

The story beinde believe:
September 10th 10:00PM My life was taken away from me. I was thrown in the pits of hell innocently from an evil plot in attempts to destroy my very own existence. In my darkest hour you can hear a thousand screams of the people compressed in darkness. Everything that i build up from ground. Everything that i bled for everything i worked for had turned into a game of Russian Roulette. No escape! This was my fate until i learned to let go of everything that i love and opened my heart. I once lost faith. I was a soul who didn't believe in anything. But when darkness came and i confessed my absolute beliefs and faith again... When i started to believe... Just like that! The gates of hell opened up to release me... I was free to walk among the living again. It was like hitting a switch in a dark hall the light made everything clear to me. I knew my purpose and design in life. Regaining my faith become a better soul. It opened up a path to save life's and be more than just a band but a movement. I knew after that day i wanted to make something for the world. o anyone whose ever lost something or someone. To carry on and stay positive. We all die it's and awfully big adventure. Do not be afraid of death. Let death casts it's shadowy eye a pon you and guide you into eternal infinity. learn to let go and embrace your beautiful self. Live like your living and not like your dying. Believe <3 That simple work I learned from reading Peter Pan books inspired me to write that song. Remember: We only live once. Mate it count <3 co :") BELIEVE

Fatally yours
- Vanity.

So there's the story behinde it and now for proof he talked to me.

BEST DAY EVER! I mean i really do love him for commenting. So that's it for today's blog, hope im making up for lost blogging.

Love Ellie Vanity.

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