Me And My Hello Kitty.

Me And My Hello Kitty.
Me And My Hello Kitty Says Drop Dead.

Friday 26 November 2010


Ok, so im the ORIGINAL Ellie Vanity, and some girl has robbed my name, well im here to stay, and im Ellie Vanity till death. So steal my name i'll be more famous than you darling. =). Ahh people stress me out.

Okie so this lad i've known for ages Jordan, is really AMAZING! So thought i would give him a quick mention.

Another mention is Antony, my new boyfriend, i love him dearly and to be honest dunno what i would do without him. Yes it's the same Antony i've mentioned on most of my blogs, and who's commented a few times, but yeah im happy =).

Can't think of anything else to put so that's it for today.

Love Ellie Vanity.

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