Me And My Hello Kitty.

Me And My Hello Kitty.
Me And My Hello Kitty Says Drop Dead.

Thursday 2 December 2010

So much...

So much keeps happening, i can never keep a day to day blog, but there we go. We can't all keep our promises. Yes that was a secret dig at someone....
I know i shouldn't be putting out my anger onto these blogs but sometimes i have to let it out one way or another, so i choose this way. Soo.....

Recently, a lot as i said earlier has been happening, i just don't know what to do, it's kinda messing with my head now. And it's anoying EVERYONE, so i just feel like shutting myself off from the world, writing more poems, drawing some more, and upating my blogs more.

I'm not very good on knowing what to put on these but im not doing bad i guess. Anyway let me tell you about EVERYTHING that has happened:

So recently just as plain usual though, haters and jelousy people been trying to bring me down, pfft that don't work on me, because i see straight through you all, hate me all you like but haters make me famous and i will NEVER forget that. You may see im putting the important words in capitals, but that's because i'm not in the best of moods. I means like last night i had a right go at my boyfriend from no reason, and i love him so much i really didn't mean to. Incase your wondering my boyfriend in Antony Bramley who i've mentioned several times on these blogs. But anyway back to blogging, i just can't handle it, and the snow is doing my head in aswell now, i'm just so lost and confused in this world, i just want to take a step back into my world to cal down, but i cant.

Anyway im going to break up from these long paragraphs with a picture i drew.....

Chris Dakota, he is one of my biggest inspirations, so i gave ti a bash at drawing him and he turned out really well so there is one picture.

Chris Dakota again, yet again i thought i would     just   give drawing him a go and look at it, i love them both.

Ok this is it for my blog today.

Love Ellie Vanity.

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