Me And My Hello Kitty.

Me And My Hello Kitty.
Me And My Hello Kitty Says Drop Dead.

Monday 24 January 2011


I’m not dead I swear! I’ve just been extremely busy with everything and even coursework. I get distracted extremely easily, and I often start other projects In order to avoid the ones I currently have to deal with. My brain works In a strange way that It simply just avoids/blocks everything I need to deal with, and so In a way to cope with It all, but really It Isn’t healthy as I often find myself stressed out twice as much as I would’ve been dealing with It In the first place when I face all the deadlines, and need to complete everything last minute.

This Is what I personaly think of it. I’m extremely open to people not liking my work. And I live for my art, so I will never stop doing whatever I do. At this point In my life, I’ve got much more to focus on than hate, jealousy and degrading comments! We all grow up at some point. Some people go through rough stuff at 12 and are forced to act 20 then already. As other people won’t necessarily grow up for a very long time… I’ve seen 35-year-olds acting just as Immature and Ignorant as a kid could, and those people should seriously seek professional help. That’s what psychologist and psychiatrists are for.

So If someone Is trying to bring you down In order to make their own little invisible persona feel better, whether It Is In elementary school, highschool, university, the work place – just ignore It. It’s not healthy to over analyze all the negativity thrown at us. and you will find yourself to be a much more successful person once you somewhat “lose your grip” and just live for yourself, and go for what you really love.

And on another note, I promise to blog more often.
I’ve received several messages from people telling me they missed reading my posts, and that they often related to what I would say. And to be honest, writing them Is somewhat liberating as I often find that people In my everyday life don’t necessarily understand – or care, about the ideas that i rent about. and since this is my blog, i assume i have every right to do so here. and hopefully some of you can relate to It and It might help you go through your own stuff as well? I would love that.
Thank you for still reading. Even after all these years.

I thought I'd give you all the honor of a longer blog, just to show i truely care.

Love Ellie Vanity.

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