Me And My Hello Kitty.

Me And My Hello Kitty.
Me And My Hello Kitty Says Drop Dead.

Thursday 27 September 2012

I am back!


I'm back and just a quick blog will do you all a longer ass one when i get home.

This blog is just to do with the fact, I WOULD DO DANNY WARSNOP.

Oh.. and don't forget BEN BRUCE.

Nuff said. Ask anyone else if you want and i'll clear up any of the rumors going around. 

Feel free to leave your comments and opinions on this post.

I will reply later.

Love Ellie Vanity <3.

Monday 24 January 2011


I’m not dead I swear! I’ve just been extremely busy with everything and even coursework. I get distracted extremely easily, and I often start other projects In order to avoid the ones I currently have to deal with. My brain works In a strange way that It simply just avoids/blocks everything I need to deal with, and so In a way to cope with It all, but really It Isn’t healthy as I often find myself stressed out twice as much as I would’ve been dealing with It In the first place when I face all the deadlines, and need to complete everything last minute.

This Is what I personaly think of it. I’m extremely open to people not liking my work. And I live for my art, so I will never stop doing whatever I do. At this point In my life, I’ve got much more to focus on than hate, jealousy and degrading comments! We all grow up at some point. Some people go through rough stuff at 12 and are forced to act 20 then already. As other people won’t necessarily grow up for a very long time… I’ve seen 35-year-olds acting just as Immature and Ignorant as a kid could, and those people should seriously seek professional help. That’s what psychologist and psychiatrists are for.

So If someone Is trying to bring you down In order to make their own little invisible persona feel better, whether It Is In elementary school, highschool, university, the work place – just ignore It. It’s not healthy to over analyze all the negativity thrown at us. and you will find yourself to be a much more successful person once you somewhat “lose your grip” and just live for yourself, and go for what you really love.

And on another note, I promise to blog more often.
I’ve received several messages from people telling me they missed reading my posts, and that they often related to what I would say. And to be honest, writing them Is somewhat liberating as I often find that people In my everyday life don’t necessarily understand – or care, about the ideas that i rent about. and since this is my blog, i assume i have every right to do so here. and hopefully some of you can relate to It and It might help you go through your own stuff as well? I would love that.
Thank you for still reading. Even after all these years.

I thought I'd give you all the honor of a longer blog, just to show i truely care.

Love Ellie Vanity.

Ok Apology!

I haven't blogged in what seems like forever, and i do apologise, i love all of you who bother to read my longer blogs, but they may excite you, anyway just to say sorry for not updating in ages, but i try my best.

Alots been going on, i mean ALOT, i never can think what to put into my blogs anymore, i keep trying to think and that's why i don't do them as much, because i have not much to say anymore.

Well that's it for this blog, keep it short and sweet.

Love Ellie Vanity.

Sunday 9 January 2011

New Pics, New Blog, New Start To 2011

Ok, so i know you haven't heard from me for a very long time, well since LAST YEAR, but it's been hard to keep up with everything, but i will try my VERY hardest to continue day to day blogs, ok so to start of this blog a few new pics.

Ok, so feel free to comment what you think.

So 2011 isn't treating me to well so far, i mean all the things that's happened and happening, just i think why me, i know i don't usual come on here to complain, or moan, but im having a bit of a rough patch and that explains why my blogs may be abit moany or complainy for the next couple of weeks.
Anyway i'll keep you updated and keep on blogging.

Love Ellie Vanity.

Thursday 2 December 2010

So much...

So much keeps happening, i can never keep a day to day blog, but there we go. We can't all keep our promises. Yes that was a secret dig at someone....
I know i shouldn't be putting out my anger onto these blogs but sometimes i have to let it out one way or another, so i choose this way. Soo.....

Recently, a lot as i said earlier has been happening, i just don't know what to do, it's kinda messing with my head now. And it's anoying EVERYONE, so i just feel like shutting myself off from the world, writing more poems, drawing some more, and upating my blogs more.

I'm not very good on knowing what to put on these but im not doing bad i guess. Anyway let me tell you about EVERYTHING that has happened:

So recently just as plain usual though, haters and jelousy people been trying to bring me down, pfft that don't work on me, because i see straight through you all, hate me all you like but haters make me famous and i will NEVER forget that. You may see im putting the important words in capitals, but that's because i'm not in the best of moods. I means like last night i had a right go at my boyfriend from no reason, and i love him so much i really didn't mean to. Incase your wondering my boyfriend in Antony Bramley who i've mentioned several times on these blogs. But anyway back to blogging, i just can't handle it, and the snow is doing my head in aswell now, i'm just so lost and confused in this world, i just want to take a step back into my world to cal down, but i cant.

Anyway im going to break up from these long paragraphs with a picture i drew.....

Chris Dakota, he is one of my biggest inspirations, so i gave ti a bash at drawing him and he turned out really well so there is one picture.

Chris Dakota again, yet again i thought i would     just   give drawing him a go and look at it, i love them both.

Ok this is it for my blog today.

Love Ellie Vanity.

Friday 26 November 2010


Ok, so im the ORIGINAL Ellie Vanity, and some girl has robbed my name, well im here to stay, and im Ellie Vanity till death. So steal my name i'll be more famous than you darling. =). Ahh people stress me out.

Okie so this lad i've known for ages Jordan, is really AMAZING! So thought i would give him a quick mention.

Another mention is Antony, my new boyfriend, i love him dearly and to be honest dunno what i would do without him. Yes it's the same Antony i've mentioned on most of my blogs, and who's commented a few times, but yeah im happy =).

Can't think of anything else to put so that's it for today.

Love Ellie Vanity.

Thursday 18 November 2010


BLURG, just a quick blog, to get little brother on the internet, so here is an image of him:


Love Ellie Vanity x