Me And My Hello Kitty.

Me And My Hello Kitty.
Me And My Hello Kitty Says Drop Dead.

Tuesday 31 August 2010

Early morning blogging...

Ok, yes, i was bored so i'd thought i'd do abit of early morning blogging, which means you'll proberly end up with 2 today.

Right when i thought that eating disorders were two years ago, i get a ton of comments along the lines of “IMA FATTEN YOU RIGHT UP, SO YOUR FAT, YOUR FAR TO SKINNY”. I think people don’t understand how offending it is to be called too skinny. It’s exactly like when you call someone too fat. I do not do anything in order to be this skinny, i’ve always been thin. Of course, i do not eat Mcdonalds everyday, and i excerise. But that’s just me caring for my life. i don’t wanna die of a heart attack at eighteen. How sad would that be? People need to understand we were all born with a different metabolism. Some people barely eat, and are still considered over weight. Other people can eat fast food everyday, and won’t gain a single pound. Me i do look after myself though, and yes i do eat Mcdonalds but only sometimes of course, yet i don't gain much weight. So im sorry for my metabolism but thats just how they are.

The whole point of this post is earlier i was on facebook and saw this one quiz/thing for people who are bored out of their mind and decided to do it. Yes you guessed, i was bored out of my mind. The point of the thing is you answer the questions with songs from one band/singer, preferably your favorite one. It’s actually quite fun to do, i think you should do it too and reply to this post with it. So here, my life according to the killers:
Pick Your Artist:
The Killers
Are you male or female?
Describe Yourself:
All these things i’ve done
How do you feel:
Romeo & juliet
Describe where you currently live:
A dustland fairytale
If you could go anywhere, where would you go:
Read my mind
Your favorite form of transportation:
Joy ride
Your best friend is:
Mr brightside
What is Life to you:
Midnight show
Your Fear:
The world we live in
What is the best advice you have to give:
Smile like you mean it
How I would like to die:
The river is wild
My motto:
Sweet talk
Okay, so this was my life according to The Killers. Now waiting to see what yours turn out like. So my blog is done for abit.

Love Ellie Vanity.

Monday 30 August 2010

Ok, so my last blog didn't go as planned. It was all WRONG! It looked so good but when i posted it, it was wrong! So i apologise if they pictures didn't match up. Yet again im sorry for not posting yesterday, i was really busy, but hey, thats what im here to blog about today.Oh yes and in th future i promise to preview before i post.

So anyway, yesterday was so much fun. I sat talking to Antony for hours! But if your new to reading my blogs, this is Antony. I was also asking people what to put in this blog, as im running out of ideas, so i got told to do a part on my friend Khloe, and review the new BMTH (Bring Me The Horizon) cd. Which in my opinion is strange, loud but it's what im into. So anyway let's start with the ideas i got told to do. Starting with Khloe.

Anyway this is Khloe. She has really nice hair and yes she does have no makeup on but before you say it she does wear it. Before you start saying that the boys in the pictures wear more makeup than her. But as you can see she is naturally beautiful and looks beautiful with and without makeup. Which is what all girls should be able to prove, insted of covering them self in tons of fountain and fake eyelashes. I say this alot, natural beauty is alot more attractive than fake beauty, and yes that is the truth.

So as you may have heard/seen, Bring Me The Horizon have realised a new single called It Never Ends. In my personally opinion i do really adore this song, but i find the video so strange, but different, so i guess its a good thing. There was some parts which made me think eew, like then the nurse cut him open and the blood went every where just to try to slow down the zombie/vampire things. But this single and video as a whole, i think it's really good and yet clever, it's definitley in my top 10 Bring Me The Horizon songs. Also before you fans of All Time Low say anything, you will be like, how can she like this and not All Time Low, that would be a very untrue statement, it's not that i dont like All Time Low because i do, it's just Bring Me The Horizon is more of what im into, but i will judge it fairly, just like the others. This is definitly more of a moshing/rocking out song unlike Lenka's songs more reading books.
My Grade: 9.7/10. 

 And yes, i did say i wouldn't review no more, but i was asked to. Feel free to spread your views across with me and we can talk. So yet again, i apologise for my last blog being mucked up, but in future i will be more careful.

Love Ellie Vanity.

Saturday 28 August 2010

Oh Hair, How I Love You.

My hair, I've have It In many style's, In this one I have It slightly backcombed and my makeup Is done different to my normal. It's the most recent picture of me, I was going for a bit of a gothic clashed with emo look. I think It looks quite nice on me, because of my face and how my face complextion Is very white and pale which makes It stand out but at the same time blend In with the background.

In this photo of me, and yes It may look like It's the only top I wear but I promise you It Isn't, but anyway back to the photo, I'm doing a sign for all my friends who are very good looking. My hair Is quite short In this photo but looks very nice still, with this photo I have abit of eyeliner on and that also looks very nice, and yes I have more eyeliner on my hand then I do my eyes. Yet again my face complexion is pale but not that pale I have some colour In my cheeks.

Now this photo I have big backcombed hair like Dahvie Vanity, I was going for that kind of hairstyle. I have no makeup so my face Is really pale and blends In with my top, but because the background Is colourful and my hair Is black It makes It really stand out. I also love the pose im doing It's like the song by Blood On The Dance Floor - I Got My Mad Rad Hair, and I must say I do have mad rad hair. I also look really young, because this photo was taken early on In the year, but this Is when my hair was really long, I miss my long hair, but I'm growing It back! So no worries.

Ok so as I mentioned Dahvie Vanity, this Is him. His hair I love, It's big, It's colourful and It's amazing. I love his music too, which I strongly think you should listen to them, they are called Blood On The Dance Foor. His makeup is different too, I just completely love him In everyway, I have goggles just like them now for when I wear my hair like him. He Is my idol. Dahvie Vanity, Is different to most people, he is REAL! His voice Isn't computer generated, his voice Isn't touched up, his voice Is his normal singing voice.

This Is Jayy Von Monroe, the other singer of Blood On The Dance Floor, his voice Is also REAL. I also love his hair, there Is many people with this hairstyle but this would be my favourite out of them all, plus It's PURPLE, one of my favourite colours EVER! No, his top does not say Star Wars, It says Star Mars. He has lot's of piercings thats another thing I love about him, I want them piercings and hopefully be getting them soon.

This Is a picture of Se7en. I love this hair because It's different and It Isn't just 1 shade of brown, It's several. I aslo love his lip ring and his shades. He Is very amazing in everyway, If I was a boy I would have very similar hair. I would also love to have his looks and basically I would wish to be Se7en! He's also from a band called Brokencyde, I also say give them a listen.

This Is Sam Llansing, he is a model. I do love his hair, and how It keeps changing, I loved his old hair alot more though. Everyone gets confussed between Sam and Chris with their old hair but I cant tell the difference, hence one had lip rings the other one didn't and they looked completely different. He has quite an old camera too, but yet the quality is the best!

I haven't mentioned him yet and I'm bored of starting these paragraphs the same so I thought I would give It a change. So this is Paul Griffiths, he has his own clothing line called Babycakes, In this top he Is wearing one of his designs he made, called Lightning Bolt, and In my personal opinion I think It's a cute design and amazing top, I want one! Paul's hair Is very amazing, I love how It all goes towards one side and his fringe Is the best It's so cute!

Another band, One Night Only, recently realised some new songs, I do recommend It but their old stuff alot more, I find their old stuff alot better than their new stuff. George Craig (the one at the front/lead singer) has amazing hair, Infact It's very similar to Paul's but messier and longer. I think that's why I like their hair, messy and long, lovely!

Mimo Evans, an amazing person, very beautiful. Her makeup Is done In her own style, she Is different and proud! Her hair Is also amazing, as It's several shades of brown again just like Se7en's but obviously longer and styled different. She wears hundreds of BLACK shag bands (that's the style). She Is currently with Alex Evans, and they both have amazing hair, I must say her's Is In the top 3 of my favourite girls hairstyles.

Matthew Lush, he has had many different styles and many different colours, but this has to be my favourite style, and favourite colour. Blue suits his pale complexion very well, It makes his face stand out from the sofa, Insted of making It blend In. Matthew Lush has his top for girls saying, I love Matthew Lush, yet he's gay so It's kind of a joke.

Kai London, good friends with Sam and Chris, had very amazing hair and wears stop strange clothes, but they do suit him well. I love his style and who he Is, and how he Isn't afraid of being himself. He's In a band, not a very well known one, but they are called Vertigo Infection, you won't find one of his songs on the Internet, but If you want to listen to It I can send you the link where you can find It.

 This Is Hans Harling, his hair Is very similar to Dahvie Vanity's, I love his hair alot too, and his makeup. He's a model as you can tell In this picture, he is supose to look destroyed but also confussed. He only wears 1 shag band, because that's his style. Yes before you was It, he Is a tranny and a very proud one! I love his black and white mix of hair In picture too as It stands out.

Chris Drew, In a band called Never Shout Never. I do recommend you to listen to them. His famous saying is "Love Is My Weapon". His hair Is similar to Paul Griffiths's and George Craig's. Apart from Chris's fringe goes a different way to theirs. But It suitts him. He wear rosemary beads, just like me, and they suit his whole nature and peace, hippy type thing too.

This Is Chris Dakota, who I have talked about In many of my other paragraphs. I love his hair because It's one colour ontop of another. He also Isn't afraid to wear tights, no he Isn't gay he Is bi before you ask. He's a model and does lots of modeling with Sam, he loves Pokemon and old games like that. His eyes are like doll eyes, very big, yet beautiful.

Brandon Hilton, his hair Is a very light blonde with a hint of blackey brown In the fringe. His makeup is very big and lovely. He has the perfect smooth skin, but then again this picture has been photoshoped. I love his jacket too, his eyes are very pretty and his eyebrows and very well looked after.

This Is Alex Evans, he Is a model, a clothing designer and a photographer. He has as everyone says "the best blue eyes". His hair Is very  lovely and very well cared for. I would love to have his hair too If I was a boy. His blue eyes are very amazing, and so Is his hair, I love everything about him.

This Is a random emo girl, but Im having my hair like her, and I love her hair and makeup. Her face is very pale but her hair Is black and she has a pink bow to balance out the colour so her face doesn't look to pale. I'm growing my hair like this aswell so It's big at the top but really long at the bottom.

Brian Strieker, I love how his hair Is 2 different colours faded Into one another. He's dying the red/pink side black soon, wait he's done that early this week. So he's dyed that side black. It looks cool but alot better how It Is In this picture. He has a few piercings and Is a very amazing person.

Antony Bramley, a very cute and good looking lad. He has coon tails In this picture (I LOVE THEM!), and how his fringe Is really long. He's one of my closest friends and Is there for me when I need him (which Is pretty much all the time). He's one of my ultimate bestfriends EVER! Antony Bramley, I Love You. Look closely In this picture and on his cheek he has a splodge on blue hairdye on his face. Bless him. He Is truely amazing.

Friday 27 August 2010


Lately a lot of new music has been coming out, and I thought that maybe I should just review a few cds. I’ve always been such a fan of music, as I've said and music of all genres. I tend to be a bit picky, but music Is definitely a passion considering the fact that I have over six thousand songs on my Iunes! So In this post I will try and review four of my favourite cds.

The first cd that I decided to talk about Is All Time Low‘s album called Nothing Personal. I have to be honest, I had forgotten about them until now! So I listened to their cd not long ago and my first concern about the cd Is that I wonder what exactly the target audience Is. The lyrics can be a little childish and the music Isn’t very different from their past releases or any of the thousands of other bands that sound just like them. Don't get me wrong I do like that, but there Is too many bands like them now. And this can either be a good, or a bad thing. Some people love when their bands keep the same musical style all along, and the minute they change their style a bit they freak out. So let’s pretend It’s a positive thing. The first single, Weightless, released to promote the cd Is pretty good, but I feel the could have been better. It’s typical rock/pop music, and as I said before, the lyrics tend to be a little childish, but again, this can be appealing to many people, I’m just one of those who can’t help but actually listen and acknowledge the lyrics aswell as the music It's self. A few songs on the cd caught my attention. The first one Is Stella, It’s pretty catchy, and same goes with Walls and Therapy. Those two songs In my opinion differed a little bit more from their previous releases, while keeping the same musical style. I also loved the words play In the song Sick Little Games: “They’re finding me out, I’m having my doubts, I’m losing the best of me, Dressed up as myself, To live In the shadow, Of who I’m supposed to be”. Not only the title of the song (Sick Little Games) Is great, the lyrics are also interesting. I would’ve chosen It over Weightless for the first single. Oh well, maybe It’s gonna be the second single. I definitely recommend this cd to anyone who’s Into rock/pop music, and anyone who’s already a fan of All Time Low. They stayed true to their style of music, while trying out some new things on a few songs which I find Is pretty effective. All Time Low this album Isn't just a hit with me It's a hit with all your fans.
My Grade: 8/10.

The second cd that I decided to review Is La Roux’s first release simply called La Roux. The band has been getting a lot of attention lately. Either because they’ve been appearing on a few tv shows, or because the lead singer has a big mouth… which Is honestly always good when you want to get attention from the media and promote your cd. She recently claimed on BBC RADIO 1 that RnB music Is “very kind of empty, like hollow and not rooted in anything good or healthy“. I will say that I don't agree with her or disagree with her. We all know that RnB music Isn’t necessarily supposed to have any depth what-so-ever, so her comment seems rude and useless, but hey, she’s speaking her mind, and she has the right to liberty of expression! The cd doesn’t really offer anything new, It’s pretty similar to all the other music out there. a few songs will remind of you Lady Gaga, and then other songs will remind you of either Little Boots or Yeah yeah Yeahs. Her voice is unique though, which really does add something to the music. I can’t imagine how awful the cd would be If she’d have one of those robotic/computerized voices we’ve been hearing from basically every singers lately. Doesn’t It sound like they’re all the same person after a while, and why would you want to be the same as someone else when we are all different people? My take Is If you can’t sing, just don’t sing. Stick to an instrument If you really wanna be in a band. Back to La Roux, the best songs on the cd in my opinion are Colourless Colour, Quicksand and Fascination. Her songs definitely bring back that amazing music style from the 80′s, and that’s great. a lot of people have been doing It lately, but she definitely does It way better. She Isn’t big yet in america, but just wait, I’m pretty sure it won’t be long until she is and she's playing all the big cities. This album Is really good, and I must admit her music video's are strange, but so am I, and guess what? Yes I do like them too. But the album In general Is pretty good.
My Grade: 9/10.

The third cd that I will review Is Lenka’s album of the same name. This cd Is definitely very different from either All Time Low’s or La Roux’s cd. It’s a lot more soft and calm. It’s one of those cds that you would wanna listen to while reading a book, or just to relax. It won’t get you dancing, but who said all music has to be about partying and rocking out? It’s always nice to have something smooth to balance it all out without people like Lenka making music like this then you wouldn't have music to read a book with and we all need that, anyway back to Lenka's album, I feel Lenka’s cd Is just the right thing. It won’t make you fall asleep, but It won’t give you a headache either. The first single chosen to promote the album, The Show, Is definitely one of the best songs on the cd, and don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean that the rest Is rubbish or bad. Just her lyrics are clever, and have some sort of special melody to them which I love. The first lines of the single go: “I’m just a little bit caught In the middle, Life Is a maze and love Is a riddle, I don’t know where to go I can’t do it alone I’ve tried, And I don’t know why” See what I mean? Lyrics don’t have to be filled with words you don’t understand for them to be clever, and she definitely gets that. The songs that I find are the best on the cd are The Show, Dangerous And Sweet, Live Like You’re Dying, Anything I’m Not and Don’t Let Me Fall. Her style of music Is definitely going to remind you of Regina Spektor who also released a new cd not long ago, but while her music Is pretty similar I find It still has that something special which makes her unique In her own way.
My Grade: 9.5/10.

The fourth cd and last cd I will review for a while Is Breaking Benjamin's Dear Agony, This album Is extremely different to the other's I've veiwed, the other's have been some what pop, but this one Is more heavy. This Is a more rocking out cd, for when your with your friends, or just fancy a bit of a headband. It would more than likely get you moshing/dancing, I think I can say that I have reviewed 4 completely different albums from 4 different complete corners of the music Industry. Anyway back to Breaking Benjamin, my favourite has to be Crawl, It's the best song on the whole cd, I mean the music iIs good but the lyrics are powerful. The bit that caught my eye the most was: “I'm becoming a monster, just like you, After it all you'll try to break me too, Falling forever, chasing dreams, I brought you to life so I can hear you scream See I find the lyrics powering aswell as clever. Aswell as lyrics being clever, I find the album cover so strange, but clever at the same time. My favourite's on the album are: Crawl, Dear Agony, Hopeless, I Will Not Bow and Lights Out. This bands style of music reminds me of Bring Me The Horizon and bands like that, very heavy.
My Grade: 9.8/10.

And this Is It for the reviews. I hope you realize that I am no professional reviewer and that those are simply personal opinions. I just thought It would be nice to let you know about albums/artists and what I think of them. Reading reviews Is always a good way to find out about artists whether the reviews are positive or negative. And I have to say, It’s very hard to review stuff while keeping a neutral personal opinion. So I say, whatever I said, go listen to those four albums, If I mentioned them In the first place It’s definitely because they’re worth listening to. And I’d appreciate your feedback on this post, you can always leave a comment to let me know what you thought of It. I read all the comments I receive on the posts, and If you’d like me to post reviews like these more often, you should let me know too. and same goes If you think I should definitely keep my mouth shut In the future!

Love Ellie Vanity.
Antony again, I know. But he is really amazing and I love his hair. He's there for me when I need him like ealier, when i got into a massive arguement with my friends, family well everyone! I don't even know why they all wanted to have a go at me but they just did.  I don't even know what I've done Is the worst of It, and they won't tell me, personally I think It's have a go at Eleanor day. 
Anyway apart from that, I've taken some new
photography pics which will be up and on here soon. My next object Is to take some of my friends and family. Done some more drawings, but need to finish them and again they will be on here when they are done.
But everything will be back to normal soon, If not the allwell I'll carry on going own my road, instead of getting stuck In their roads.

The picture of the zebra, I really want to know where the zebra got It's stripes, they go all onto It's fur up on It's ears down It's back and down It's tail, where did you get those stripes I ask you Mr Zebra. I find It magnificent, the whole animal, I just want to say I LOVE YOU MR ZEBRA <3.

Love Ellie Vanity.

Chris, Blogs And Drama.

Ok, So Again This Is A Picture Of Another Of My Friends, This Is Chris. Aswell As Antony, I've Been Talking To Chris Alot, And Yet Again About This Blog! He Reads All My Blogs Now, For Some Strange Reason, He Finds Them Interesting. But No Doubt He'll Read This One. Also Alot More Drama has Been Kicking Off, And Im Fed Up With It, But I'll Sort It Out.

Aswell As That I've Been Drawing Alot Recently, As You Can See In That Other Picture. Everyone Says Im Really Good, But I Don't Think So.

As You Can Tell I'm Going To Do Day To Do Blogs On My Life. Anyway Keep Reading More To Come.

Love Ellie Vanity.

Thursday 26 August 2010

Antony, Camera And Friends.

That is Antony, My Friend, A Very Good Friend. Recently, We've Been Talking Alot And Just This Second About This Very Blog! This Is An Old Picture Of Him, But You Get Who He Is. Im Going To Take My Camera Up To Town (Nottingham) And Take Lot's Of Picture's Of Me And My Friends. My 2nd Ever Blog Hope You Like This One As Much As The First.

Love Ellie Vanity.

My First Blog: Recently..

Recently, alot of things have been going wrong, but at the same time so many things have been going right. Like the fact of falling out with friends, I hate falling out with friends but it happens. Aswell as that I've been listening to Blood On The Dance Floor alot recently, all the drama that happens with them is pathetic. I won't stop ever liking their music ever. SCGTC for live. I can't wait to take some more picture's! I'm really excited, I love taking picture's of people, animals, art well pretty much everything. I thought I would start blogging because everyone told me to, so I have and hope you enjoy my blogs to come.

Love Ellie Vanity x