Me And My Hello Kitty.

Me And My Hello Kitty.
Me And My Hello Kitty Says Drop Dead.

Monday 30 August 2010

Ok, so my last blog didn't go as planned. It was all WRONG! It looked so good but when i posted it, it was wrong! So i apologise if they pictures didn't match up. Yet again im sorry for not posting yesterday, i was really busy, but hey, thats what im here to blog about today.Oh yes and in th future i promise to preview before i post.

So anyway, yesterday was so much fun. I sat talking to Antony for hours! But if your new to reading my blogs, this is Antony. I was also asking people what to put in this blog, as im running out of ideas, so i got told to do a part on my friend Khloe, and review the new BMTH (Bring Me The Horizon) cd. Which in my opinion is strange, loud but it's what im into. So anyway let's start with the ideas i got told to do. Starting with Khloe.

Anyway this is Khloe. She has really nice hair and yes she does have no makeup on but before you say it she does wear it. Before you start saying that the boys in the pictures wear more makeup than her. But as you can see she is naturally beautiful and looks beautiful with and without makeup. Which is what all girls should be able to prove, insted of covering them self in tons of fountain and fake eyelashes. I say this alot, natural beauty is alot more attractive than fake beauty, and yes that is the truth.

So as you may have heard/seen, Bring Me The Horizon have realised a new single called It Never Ends. In my personally opinion i do really adore this song, but i find the video so strange, but different, so i guess its a good thing. There was some parts which made me think eew, like then the nurse cut him open and the blood went every where just to try to slow down the zombie/vampire things. But this single and video as a whole, i think it's really good and yet clever, it's definitley in my top 10 Bring Me The Horizon songs. Also before you fans of All Time Low say anything, you will be like, how can she like this and not All Time Low, that would be a very untrue statement, it's not that i dont like All Time Low because i do, it's just Bring Me The Horizon is more of what im into, but i will judge it fairly, just like the others. This is definitly more of a moshing/rocking out song unlike Lenka's songs more reading books.
My Grade: 9.7/10. 

 And yes, i did say i wouldn't review no more, but i was asked to. Feel free to spread your views across with me and we can talk. So yet again, i apologise for my last blog being mucked up, but in future i will be more careful.

Love Ellie Vanity.

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