Me And My Hello Kitty.

Me And My Hello Kitty.
Me And My Hello Kitty Says Drop Dead.

Saturday 28 August 2010

Oh Hair, How I Love You.

My hair, I've have It In many style's, In this one I have It slightly backcombed and my makeup Is done different to my normal. It's the most recent picture of me, I was going for a bit of a gothic clashed with emo look. I think It looks quite nice on me, because of my face and how my face complextion Is very white and pale which makes It stand out but at the same time blend In with the background.

In this photo of me, and yes It may look like It's the only top I wear but I promise you It Isn't, but anyway back to the photo, I'm doing a sign for all my friends who are very good looking. My hair Is quite short In this photo but looks very nice still, with this photo I have abit of eyeliner on and that also looks very nice, and yes I have more eyeliner on my hand then I do my eyes. Yet again my face complexion is pale but not that pale I have some colour In my cheeks.

Now this photo I have big backcombed hair like Dahvie Vanity, I was going for that kind of hairstyle. I have no makeup so my face Is really pale and blends In with my top, but because the background Is colourful and my hair Is black It makes It really stand out. I also love the pose im doing It's like the song by Blood On The Dance Floor - I Got My Mad Rad Hair, and I must say I do have mad rad hair. I also look really young, because this photo was taken early on In the year, but this Is when my hair was really long, I miss my long hair, but I'm growing It back! So no worries.

Ok so as I mentioned Dahvie Vanity, this Is him. His hair I love, It's big, It's colourful and It's amazing. I love his music too, which I strongly think you should listen to them, they are called Blood On The Dance Foor. His makeup is different too, I just completely love him In everyway, I have goggles just like them now for when I wear my hair like him. He Is my idol. Dahvie Vanity, Is different to most people, he is REAL! His voice Isn't computer generated, his voice Isn't touched up, his voice Is his normal singing voice.

This Is Jayy Von Monroe, the other singer of Blood On The Dance Floor, his voice Is also REAL. I also love his hair, there Is many people with this hairstyle but this would be my favourite out of them all, plus It's PURPLE, one of my favourite colours EVER! No, his top does not say Star Wars, It says Star Mars. He has lot's of piercings thats another thing I love about him, I want them piercings and hopefully be getting them soon.

This Is a picture of Se7en. I love this hair because It's different and It Isn't just 1 shade of brown, It's several. I aslo love his lip ring and his shades. He Is very amazing in everyway, If I was a boy I would have very similar hair. I would also love to have his looks and basically I would wish to be Se7en! He's also from a band called Brokencyde, I also say give them a listen.

This Is Sam Llansing, he is a model. I do love his hair, and how It keeps changing, I loved his old hair alot more though. Everyone gets confussed between Sam and Chris with their old hair but I cant tell the difference, hence one had lip rings the other one didn't and they looked completely different. He has quite an old camera too, but yet the quality is the best!

I haven't mentioned him yet and I'm bored of starting these paragraphs the same so I thought I would give It a change. So this is Paul Griffiths, he has his own clothing line called Babycakes, In this top he Is wearing one of his designs he made, called Lightning Bolt, and In my personal opinion I think It's a cute design and amazing top, I want one! Paul's hair Is very amazing, I love how It all goes towards one side and his fringe Is the best It's so cute!

Another band, One Night Only, recently realised some new songs, I do recommend It but their old stuff alot more, I find their old stuff alot better than their new stuff. George Craig (the one at the front/lead singer) has amazing hair, Infact It's very similar to Paul's but messier and longer. I think that's why I like their hair, messy and long, lovely!

Mimo Evans, an amazing person, very beautiful. Her makeup Is done In her own style, she Is different and proud! Her hair Is also amazing, as It's several shades of brown again just like Se7en's but obviously longer and styled different. She wears hundreds of BLACK shag bands (that's the style). She Is currently with Alex Evans, and they both have amazing hair, I must say her's Is In the top 3 of my favourite girls hairstyles.

Matthew Lush, he has had many different styles and many different colours, but this has to be my favourite style, and favourite colour. Blue suits his pale complexion very well, It makes his face stand out from the sofa, Insted of making It blend In. Matthew Lush has his top for girls saying, I love Matthew Lush, yet he's gay so It's kind of a joke.

Kai London, good friends with Sam and Chris, had very amazing hair and wears stop strange clothes, but they do suit him well. I love his style and who he Is, and how he Isn't afraid of being himself. He's In a band, not a very well known one, but they are called Vertigo Infection, you won't find one of his songs on the Internet, but If you want to listen to It I can send you the link where you can find It.

 This Is Hans Harling, his hair Is very similar to Dahvie Vanity's, I love his hair alot too, and his makeup. He's a model as you can tell In this picture, he is supose to look destroyed but also confussed. He only wears 1 shag band, because that's his style. Yes before you was It, he Is a tranny and a very proud one! I love his black and white mix of hair In picture too as It stands out.

Chris Drew, In a band called Never Shout Never. I do recommend you to listen to them. His famous saying is "Love Is My Weapon". His hair Is similar to Paul Griffiths's and George Craig's. Apart from Chris's fringe goes a different way to theirs. But It suitts him. He wear rosemary beads, just like me, and they suit his whole nature and peace, hippy type thing too.

This Is Chris Dakota, who I have talked about In many of my other paragraphs. I love his hair because It's one colour ontop of another. He also Isn't afraid to wear tights, no he Isn't gay he Is bi before you ask. He's a model and does lots of modeling with Sam, he loves Pokemon and old games like that. His eyes are like doll eyes, very big, yet beautiful.

Brandon Hilton, his hair Is a very light blonde with a hint of blackey brown In the fringe. His makeup is very big and lovely. He has the perfect smooth skin, but then again this picture has been photoshoped. I love his jacket too, his eyes are very pretty and his eyebrows and very well looked after.

This Is Alex Evans, he Is a model, a clothing designer and a photographer. He has as everyone says "the best blue eyes". His hair Is very  lovely and very well cared for. I would love to have his hair too If I was a boy. His blue eyes are very amazing, and so Is his hair, I love everything about him.

This Is a random emo girl, but Im having my hair like her, and I love her hair and makeup. Her face is very pale but her hair Is black and she has a pink bow to balance out the colour so her face doesn't look to pale. I'm growing my hair like this aswell so It's big at the top but really long at the bottom.

Brian Strieker, I love how his hair Is 2 different colours faded Into one another. He's dying the red/pink side black soon, wait he's done that early this week. So he's dyed that side black. It looks cool but alot better how It Is In this picture. He has a few piercings and Is a very amazing person.

Antony Bramley, a very cute and good looking lad. He has coon tails In this picture (I LOVE THEM!), and how his fringe Is really long. He's one of my closest friends and Is there for me when I need him (which Is pretty much all the time). He's one of my ultimate bestfriends EVER! Antony Bramley, I Love You. Look closely In this picture and on his cheek he has a splodge on blue hairdye on his face. Bless him. He Is truely amazing.


  1. I also dyed my eyebrow blue by accident :) lmfao
    I love you too <3 <3

  2. Haha XD bless youux I love you more <3 <3 <3 x

  3. baha :P
    Should proove it ;) *hinthint* xD |


  4. Haha i will thenn *hinthint* ;) Haha <3 xxxxxxxxx

  5. Haha =P im sure your on all my blogs :') xxx

  6. i forgot to put Love Ellie Vanity! woops Love Ellie Vanity x
