Me And My Hello Kitty.

Me And My Hello Kitty.
Me And My Hello Kitty Says Drop Dead.

Tuesday 31 August 2010

Early morning blogging...

Ok, yes, i was bored so i'd thought i'd do abit of early morning blogging, which means you'll proberly end up with 2 today.

Right when i thought that eating disorders were two years ago, i get a ton of comments along the lines of “IMA FATTEN YOU RIGHT UP, SO YOUR FAT, YOUR FAR TO SKINNY”. I think people don’t understand how offending it is to be called too skinny. It’s exactly like when you call someone too fat. I do not do anything in order to be this skinny, i’ve always been thin. Of course, i do not eat Mcdonalds everyday, and i excerise. But that’s just me caring for my life. i don’t wanna die of a heart attack at eighteen. How sad would that be? People need to understand we were all born with a different metabolism. Some people barely eat, and are still considered over weight. Other people can eat fast food everyday, and won’t gain a single pound. Me i do look after myself though, and yes i do eat Mcdonalds but only sometimes of course, yet i don't gain much weight. So im sorry for my metabolism but thats just how they are.

The whole point of this post is earlier i was on facebook and saw this one quiz/thing for people who are bored out of their mind and decided to do it. Yes you guessed, i was bored out of my mind. The point of the thing is you answer the questions with songs from one band/singer, preferably your favorite one. It’s actually quite fun to do, i think you should do it too and reply to this post with it. So here, my life according to the killers:
Pick Your Artist:
The Killers
Are you male or female?
Describe Yourself:
All these things i’ve done
How do you feel:
Romeo & juliet
Describe where you currently live:
A dustland fairytale
If you could go anywhere, where would you go:
Read my mind
Your favorite form of transportation:
Joy ride
Your best friend is:
Mr brightside
What is Life to you:
Midnight show
Your Fear:
The world we live in
What is the best advice you have to give:
Smile like you mean it
How I would like to die:
The river is wild
My motto:
Sweet talk
Okay, so this was my life according to The Killers. Now waiting to see what yours turn out like. So my blog is done for abit.

Love Ellie Vanity.

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