Me And My Hello Kitty.

Me And My Hello Kitty.
Me And My Hello Kitty Says Drop Dead.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Briemo, Friends Ect...

Today i thought i could mention a few things. Briemo, Friends Ect.


If you read some of Briemo's stuff they are really powerful. I found that a couple of the poems stood out but one above the rest. It's named “My Emotions”. It goes,
I Feel
I'm sure these emotions
All have shown.
I know I have nothing to fucking live for. Im ending my life.
I want it to be done.
I'm sick of living.
I get my gun.
I'm getting eager.
I feel the shivers.
I cock the gun back.
I pull the trigger.

 - Briemo.


This is Antony, as i've mentioned on nearly all of my blogs, but he's worth mentioning. He's been here for me through thick and thin, and helped me through alot, and has amazing hair. Antony would just love to thankyou again and say your amazing. So thats why you deserve a place Antony.

Ok, so this is Ben. He has amazing hair, it's now black though, spiderbites and is my “brother”. Well he is like one to me, he's there for me and he's just Ben, come on he's ace. So thought you desereved a place on here to Ben.

This is Brian, he deserves a place because he's Brian, he has ace hair, he's my “twin”. Well that's what we like to say. Brian is an amazing person and been there with me through alot, and helps me on games on facebook. He has a few piercings and they are ace! I'm jelous because of the people he's met but at the end of the day he's Brian, and he's amazing so he deserves a place.

Chris gets a place because he is Chris. Jokes you think im going to write long ones for others and not him, don't think so. Anyway Chris gets this place because he's allways there for me too and he said i can use his camera (in the pic). He's a really nice person and we've had some right good convo's. Chris your amazing and you deserve this place.

Dan Dan, he deserves a place because he's amazing, lovely, kind, funny, good looking well everything possible. And no i am not just saying that because he is my boyfriend! I'm saying it because it's true, he's one of the only decent lads i've found in this world and i can't lose him. He is perfect in every way and i love him. That's why Dan Dan deserves a place.

Emily and Sophie, are both really amazing and they deserve a place because as you can see, they are both stunning and really nice people. Me and Emily have had loads of laughs in the past and future we will proberly have more then same goes for Me and Sophie. So that's why they deserve a place.

Emily, she has amazing hair and is very pretty, we haven't talked that much but the convo's we've had have been some of the best. So Emily deserves a place purely because she is ace and that's why she deserves a place.

Fennton, me and him have shared so many laughs and he's gave me some really good advice. No doubt that in the future he will too. He's a really amazing person and has ace hair. We've laughed about everything possible i think, from trannys to gays to even ourselfs. So that's why Fennton deserves a place.

Holly and Shaun, i haven't actually spoke to Holly much but she is really pretty and seems really nice, this one is mainly about Shaun to be honest. So Shaun, he deserves this place because just look at him, he's ace. He is really nice and there for me when i need someone to talk to and he's a really good looking person and has amazing hair! So that's why Holly and Shaun deserve a place.

Jamie, he deserves a place for a few reasons, he's fit, he's ace and our convo's are some of the most amazing convo's anyone could ever have. He's really cool and has one of the best turtle's ever! I call it his electric turtle ='). I love his turtle and i want it! Anyway thats why Jamie deserves a place.

Joe, he has amazing ginger hair and i can tell him anything. I've needed people alot recently and Joe has been here, so i thankyou Joe. So Jthat's why Joe deserves a place.

Khloe, ok so this is Khloe and she has literly been here for me through everything. Plus she was the one who got me and Dan Dan together, so i owe her big time. Khloe is one of my closest friends and we have so many laughs together about killing Jessie Slaughter ect. She's amazing and pretty with and without makeup. That's why Khloe deserves a place.

Leaah, well her makeup is amazing and she is really pretty. I love her hair also and yet again i can tell her anything and she will help me find a solution. She really is amazing and a very clever person. That's why Leaah deserves a place.

Rhinestone, he's amazing, from his hair to his piercings all the way to the famous people he's met. He's amazing and a really good friend. He has a really amazing smile which makes me smile, when im down i can look at this picture or talk to him and i end up smiling. That's why Rhinestone deserves a place.

Rosie, she is amazing, met some amazing people and our convo's are amazing even though we haven't had many. But she is ace. She's really nice and lets just say Room 94. That's why she deserves a place.

Ryan, this may be an old picture of him, but he still looks ace. He's nice and allways there for me and to catch me when i fall. If im ever upset he's allways the first to comment You ok, whats up? And im glad i have him for that because it makes me feel better and as if someone cares, but with Ryan i can tell someone cares. He's a really nice person and has amazing hair. That's why Ryan deserves a place.

Love Ellie Vanity.

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