Me And My Hello Kitty.

Me And My Hello Kitty.
Me And My Hello Kitty Says Drop Dead.

Saturday 18 September 2010

So i just want to apologise for not blogging in ages, but I've had a bit of a bumpy road, but before i tell you about that here's a drawing by Briemo i want to talk about then after a picture of Alex Evan's. Then you can hear about my boring life.

So this picture, it does speak 1000 words. If you look beyond the actual drawing it's self you can see so much more. You may just see a male and a female kissing but there's like a message behind it, love will look glamorous but really it's a world of pain. He has like copper brown hair with stretches and she has black hair with a lip ring, and to be honest this picture remind me of my and my ex boyfriend, and yes we did break up recently. But it looks like us a lot, but i don't mind that we finished because at least me and him could still be friends. I'll find someone new because i have plenty who like me, not meaning to sound big headed or nothing but it's true and i speak the truth.

No i didn't take this picture, Alex Evans did and i don't try and claim it. But i wanted to use it because i love converse. And it looks just like my converse but mine are black and white his looks more of a lighter colour. I have some pictures like this so i will upload and show you another time.

Now to tell you what happened between me and my boyfriend/ex. We was all fine and dandy, until he changed his relationship status on facebook to single, yes that was his sad, pathetic way of telling me, so i inboxed him asking why he did it, he replied trying to blame me, when i clearly know i did nothing wrong. So yes we are over and i am single yet again, i think i will find someone soon though who i love and won't upset me like that. But i do love all my fans and i wont let anything get me down, so i will keep blogging for you all.

Love Ellie Vanity.

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