Me And My Hello Kitty.

Me And My Hello Kitty.
Me And My Hello Kitty Says Drop Dead.

Sunday 12 September 2010

Another Big Blog Apology.

Ahh I'm getting rubbish at keeping up with these blogs, but i am trying i promise, I've just had so much to do. Anyway i have some good news! My dad let me have my lip done, and it looks so ace even more so when i backcomb my hair, so i think i will do it like that for school. So i will try my hardest to keep updating my blog. Now 'm going to do a day to day thing again but also start off with another of Briemo's poems, so from Monday to Sunday, but first one of my favourite poems by Briemo.

You Still Love Her.

You still love her,
I can see it in your,
Don't tell me it's not true,
Don't even attempt to deny.
I feel that empty space,
Between us.
Even though, your body is,
Right next to mine.
You tell me It'll be,
You tell me everything,
Will be fine.
I try believing, but all,
I'm doing is deceiving.
I know you still think of,
Her. Even when I'm around.
She's the one you look for,
When you're feeling down.
I know you want me there,
For you, but I know you,
Want her there for you too.
You say you love me more,
Than anything. But I,
Know you love her too.
So, when you're ready to,
Drop me, Just know,
I won't have anywhere,
To land. When you go,
Back to the girl, with
Your heart in her hands.

- Briemo.

Now just another thing, I found this thing it's so stereotyping so, I thought i would share it with you all.

I saw that and i thought that is so stereotyped at “EMOS”. As people call them. The words are so harsh “I'm gonna draw a picture, A picture with a Twist... I'll draw it with a razor blade, I'll draw It on my WRIST”. As i said the words are harsh, but the meaning behind it is, as “EMOS” are known for apparently slitting there wrists to become an “EMO”, It's showing that “EMOS” cut them selves with a  razor blade and draw picture with them instead of drawing on paper. Which i think is horrible to stereotype someone, It's pointless, no one is anything but them selves.

Now back to what I've been doing for nearly a whole week and not blogging once, which again i apologise for. So this is what I've been doing.

Monday - Not much happened just back to school yey ha ha not. Just found out what lessons i had etc. As i said nothing much.
Tuesday - The same as Monday really.
Wednesday - It's pretty much the same the whole week till Friday.
Thursday - As I said for Wednesday.
Friday - Went camping and just went out for the night.
Saturday - Got my lip done brought some new stuff, hung out with Amba listened to some bands was all good.
Sunday - Come home from camping and got a KFC! Bonus! Bout it just get ready for school for tomorrow.

Don't really know what else to put, so I guess that Is It today.

Love Ellie Vanity.

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