Me And My Hello Kitty.

Me And My Hello Kitty.
Me And My Hello Kitty Says Drop Dead.

Thursday 26 August 2010

My First Blog: Recently..

Recently, alot of things have been going wrong, but at the same time so many things have been going right. Like the fact of falling out with friends, I hate falling out with friends but it happens. Aswell as that I've been listening to Blood On The Dance Floor alot recently, all the drama that happens with them is pathetic. I won't stop ever liking their music ever. SCGTC for live. I can't wait to take some more picture's! I'm really excited, I love taking picture's of people, animals, art well pretty much everything. I thought I would start blogging because everyone told me to, so I have and hope you enjoy my blogs to come.

Love Ellie Vanity x

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