Me And My Hello Kitty.

Me And My Hello Kitty.
Me And My Hello Kitty Says Drop Dead.

Saturday 25 September 2010


Ima pirate!

Well so much has gone on, no wonder i haven't been blogging. Well just to let you know, I'm still here and pretty well alive. I am trying my very best to keep on here and keep blogging. I love you all. Time for some more Briemo? I think so. This blog will be about reviewing of Cd's, Biremo, stereotyping and properly just a rant from me. Well hope you enjoy it.

 So we start of with a drawing by Briemo. Just by looking at the picture you just see and emo girl sitting on a bench right? But look at her and the bench she is actually sitting on. It's basically saying where ever she is, the world is dead around her, she should give up and be sad forever. Which is horrible because she looks just like me to be honest, but i don't think i should do that, she may be sad for a reason though. Anyway the drawing it's self is really good because i love how it's aimed at sadness and how you can relate it to yourselves.

In my opinion that's what it should be called, but it's not finished yet anyway on with the poem.

It's funny,
How people percieve you,
but emo, just idn't a look, honey.
If you gave me a chance to explain,
that we all have feelings,
and we all share pain,
maybe you'd realise,
we're all the same.
People look at others,
with disgust,
[is that a must?],
Just because they dont,
look or act the same,
you have the obligation,
to take their feelings in vain?
Can we think before,
we act, since we dont,
know all the facts,
give the other,
person a try,
before creating lies,
of how they are,
in your mind.

- Briemo.


So, i recentley ordered some stuff off of the blood on the dance floor merch website. And i got a cd. Which i have listened to the odd few songs online, which i think they are amazing! So i think that you should give them a listen and write your opinions yourself.

 Wow, stereotpying is the new thing to do, well your pathetic. No one will change for you we are who we end of story. I just hate people stereotyping it's the main thing i hate! They should grow up and stop being pathetic! They make me feel sick!

"Let's Make Nasty" Roxy Cottontail & Larry Tee - Afrojack Remix"

 There is the link! It is my fave song at the moment! It's just so different
, i can listen to it and not be bothered who hears it! I love it give it a listen, honestly.

Ok that's enough ranting on from me for a day.

Love Ellie Vanity.

Saturday 18 September 2010

So i just want to apologise for not blogging in ages, but I've had a bit of a bumpy road, but before i tell you about that here's a drawing by Briemo i want to talk about then after a picture of Alex Evan's. Then you can hear about my boring life.

So this picture, it does speak 1000 words. If you look beyond the actual drawing it's self you can see so much more. You may just see a male and a female kissing but there's like a message behind it, love will look glamorous but really it's a world of pain. He has like copper brown hair with stretches and she has black hair with a lip ring, and to be honest this picture remind me of my and my ex boyfriend, and yes we did break up recently. But it looks like us a lot, but i don't mind that we finished because at least me and him could still be friends. I'll find someone new because i have plenty who like me, not meaning to sound big headed or nothing but it's true and i speak the truth.

No i didn't take this picture, Alex Evans did and i don't try and claim it. But i wanted to use it because i love converse. And it looks just like my converse but mine are black and white his looks more of a lighter colour. I have some pictures like this so i will upload and show you another time.

Now to tell you what happened between me and my boyfriend/ex. We was all fine and dandy, until he changed his relationship status on facebook to single, yes that was his sad, pathetic way of telling me, so i inboxed him asking why he did it, he replied trying to blame me, when i clearly know i did nothing wrong. So yes we are over and i am single yet again, i think i will find someone soon though who i love and won't upset me like that. But i do love all my fans and i wont let anything get me down, so i will keep blogging for you all.

Love Ellie Vanity.

Sunday 12 September 2010

Another Big Blog Apology.

Ahh I'm getting rubbish at keeping up with these blogs, but i am trying i promise, I've just had so much to do. Anyway i have some good news! My dad let me have my lip done, and it looks so ace even more so when i backcomb my hair, so i think i will do it like that for school. So i will try my hardest to keep updating my blog. Now 'm going to do a day to day thing again but also start off with another of Briemo's poems, so from Monday to Sunday, but first one of my favourite poems by Briemo.

You Still Love Her.

You still love her,
I can see it in your,
Don't tell me it's not true,
Don't even attempt to deny.
I feel that empty space,
Between us.
Even though, your body is,
Right next to mine.
You tell me It'll be,
You tell me everything,
Will be fine.
I try believing, but all,
I'm doing is deceiving.
I know you still think of,
Her. Even when I'm around.
She's the one you look for,
When you're feeling down.
I know you want me there,
For you, but I know you,
Want her there for you too.
You say you love me more,
Than anything. But I,
Know you love her too.
So, when you're ready to,
Drop me, Just know,
I won't have anywhere,
To land. When you go,
Back to the girl, with
Your heart in her hands.

- Briemo.

Now just another thing, I found this thing it's so stereotyping so, I thought i would share it with you all.

I saw that and i thought that is so stereotyped at “EMOS”. As people call them. The words are so harsh “I'm gonna draw a picture, A picture with a Twist... I'll draw it with a razor blade, I'll draw It on my WRIST”. As i said the words are harsh, but the meaning behind it is, as “EMOS” are known for apparently slitting there wrists to become an “EMO”, It's showing that “EMOS” cut them selves with a  razor blade and draw picture with them instead of drawing on paper. Which i think is horrible to stereotype someone, It's pointless, no one is anything but them selves.

Now back to what I've been doing for nearly a whole week and not blogging once, which again i apologise for. So this is what I've been doing.

Monday - Not much happened just back to school yey ha ha not. Just found out what lessons i had etc. As i said nothing much.
Tuesday - The same as Monday really.
Wednesday - It's pretty much the same the whole week till Friday.
Thursday - As I said for Wednesday.
Friday - Went camping and just went out for the night.
Saturday - Got my lip done brought some new stuff, hung out with Amba listened to some bands was all good.
Sunday - Come home from camping and got a KFC! Bonus! Bout it just get ready for school for tomorrow.

Don't really know what else to put, so I guess that Is It today.

Love Ellie Vanity.

Monday 6 September 2010

Big Apology!

Ok, so i know i haven't posted in days! So yes, this is my apology to you all. But i have been so busy, with family, friends everything really. So I'm really sorry but i will try and keep you updated everyday if possible. This blog will have every detail about what I've done and what's going to happen and again a poem by Briemo. I just love starting blog of with them poems. Recently I've read them a lot, so i have another favourite which i will put on under this paragraph, then tell you what I've been doing to be so busy, not to blog for days, anyway hope you like Briemo's poem as much as i do.

I should have remembered
LOVE doesn't last
I pick up my phone,
Dial your number,
Hoping you aren't,
In a deep slumber,
It rang once, twice,
Then I heard a,
Your voice sounded,
So sad,
So low,
I immediately asked,
What was wrong,
Your hesitation took,
Too long,
I held my breath,
You had sighed,
At that moment,
A part of me had,
A whispered "I Love You",
Escaped my lips,
And my tears began to,
This was "The End" after,
You whispered my name,
I got a spark of hope,
That this broken love would be saved,
And our hearts would be sewn,
But the last thing I heard was 

The dial tone.....

- Briemo.

Ok so now why i have been so busy. Well that's confused me, apparently my last blog was done while i was shopping. Well it's clearly got the wrong time.

Friday -

I went shopping with my 2 brothers and my mum to find some new stuff, we went in loads of shops, Blue Banana, Pulp, JD for my brother, etc. We never seem to buy much up town, but this time we brought more than normal! My older brother got some new shoes, my little brother got a squeezey ball thing and a jumper for his teddy from build a bear, my mum didn't get anything, and i got some black shag bands, a purse and a new top.
So that's what we got but the people that i saw! They all looked so cool. I mean their hair honestly, i could marry it! They was big spiky and basically like my favourite hair ever. Honestly, i love hair it's one of the first things i look for on a boy, well that and personality are my main things. I know yes that seems sad and shallow, but they have a good personality and decent hair they are fit. I've always been into hair, i guess that's why when i was young i wanted to be a hairdresser, but now i want to be a photographer, like Alex Evans and Paul Griffiths, that now is my dream and passion. I've been told i could end up being one though! I really want to, a lot to be honest.

Saturday -

Not a lot happened on Saturday either, my boyfriend Dan Dan Stefan Warwick dyed his hair red, I'll add a picture to the bottom of this also after the Sunday bit and obviously name them. Saturday was a strange day but i got to see my niece's and nephew's and i hadn't seen them in ages, so it was lovely! My niece is becoming a bit of a make-up addict, let's just not let her turn into a fake, she looks up to me a lot so I'm hoping she comes my way. I know that sounds harsh and she should choose her own path and she is, she is following my steps at the moment, she reminds me of a younger version of me at the moment, let's just hope she grows up like me too! Anyway that's about it for Saturday.

Sunday -

Nothing really interesting happened, i made a new friend called Danni, which i think he is cool, and we was talking for like 5 minutes and he was already calling me cute! It was very sweet for him. But he likes another girl and i have a boyfriend, so it wouldn't work. But i had a Sunday dinner, and it was lovely, i love my dad's special roast potato's honestly, i can't wait to learn his recipe. I'll put a picture of Danni on the bottom of this part in a minute. But he also has lovely hair and he's an indie! Not a lot else happened on Sunday but i guess it was a good day, i just don't know what to put because the others are a lot longer than this one, but all well, I've made it a bit longer.

Now for the picture of Dan Dan and Danni.

Dan Dan Stefan Warwick ( My Boyfriend ), Yes he's dyed his hair RED! He dyes his hair too much in my opinion but i tell him that. I love his necklace in this picture too, this is probably one of my favourite picture's of him, he's just amazing in every way. No I'm not just saying that because he's my boyfriend! I mean it even if we wasn't dating i would still say the same. So yeah this is his new hair and i love it.

Danni Indie Asaur, So this is him. I love his hair to, because it's 2 different colours, blonde and brown i love them colours on him. I have a top that's similar to that but my stripes are bigger and i love his necklace, basically i just love everything about this picture, one of my favourite picture's ever well apart from Dan Dan's.

Love Ellie Vanity.

Friday 3 September 2010

Briemo, Reviews Ect.

Ok so today, yet again im sorry for not blogging yesterday but im makign up for it. Im going to start with Briemo again and then review some albums that i got asked to review, so i will take that as my album reviewing is good and i shouldn't shut my big mouth! Which is good.

It makes me sick.
It makes me die.
(just a little more inside)
This is the last time. You make me cry.
Im sick of your bullshit
Im sick of your lies.
Im sick of the fights.
I tried to be there for you.
You pushed me away.
I cant understand why, your being this way.
This is the last time you make me stay.
I cant go on, i cant live this way.
Im done with this.
Im done with you.
I want you to know.
I hate you too.
Im done with your bullshit.
Im done with your lies.
Im done loving the one,
who made me cry.

- Briemo.

I find the poems so powerful and i get them, i love how Briemo writes about life.

Right now on with the reviews.

First Album i have been asked the review was You Me At Six's Hold me Down, This album is abit like All Time Low's i reviewed. This Is a rocking out cd but not as rocking out as Breaking Benjamin. It would more than likely get you moshing/dancing. My favourite has to be Underdog, It's the best song on the whole cd, I mean the music Is good but the lyrics are powerful. The bit that caught my eye the most was: “Underdog, just look at the mess you made, It's such a shame, a shame, We had to find out this way, Revenge loves company, three makes it a crowd, So wash your mouth, and sit this one out. See I find the lyrics powering. I find the album cover so strange, but clever at the same time. My favourite's on the album are: Underdog, Liquid Confidence, Throphy Eyes And Fireworks. This bands style of music reminds me of All Time Low, but they stick to the same kind of stuff, but keep trying slightly new stuff.
My Grade: 9.4/10.

Second Album i have been asked the review was Green Day's Insomniac, This album is abit like a mix between All Time Low's album and Breaking Benjamin's album. This Is also a rocking out cd but not as rocking out as Breaking Benjamin. It would more than likely get you moshing/dancing. My favourite has to be Brat, It's the best song on the whole cd, I mean the music Is good but the lyrics are amazing. The bit that caught my eye the most was: “Mom and Dad don't look so hot these days, They're getting over the hill, Death is closing in and catching up, As far as I can tell, Got a plan of action and cold blood, And it smells of defiance, I'll just wait for Mom and Dad to die, And got my inheritance. See I find the lyrics amazing and also powering but yet at the same time upsetting when it says “I'll just wait for Mom and Dad to die.” I find the album cover so strange, but clever at the same time, It looks like he's having an eye test and an x-ray aswell as playing the violin, he has so many hands. My favourite's on the album are: Brat, No Pride, 86 And Armatage Shanks. This bands style of music reminds me of a mix of All Time Low and Breaking Benjamin, but they stick to the same kind of stuff, but keep trying slightly new stuff.

My Grade: 9.7/10.

Third Album i have been asked the review was Green Day's Dookie, This album is abit like a mix between All Time Low's album and Breaking Benjamin's album again. This Is also a rocking out cd but not as rocking out as Breaking Benjamin. It would more than likely get you moshing/dancing. My favourite has to be Basket Case, It's the best song on the whole cd, I mean the music Is good but the lyrics are different. The bit that caught my eye the most was: “Sometimes I give myself the creeps, Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me, It all keeps adding up, I think I'm cracking up! Am I just paranoid? Am I just stoned?. See I find the lyrics amazing and also powering but it's like he don't know what is going on and he is confussed. I find the album cover so cartoony which i guess can be good, My favourite's on the album are: Basket Case, She, In The End And Having A Blast. This bands style of music reminds me of a mix of All Time Low and Breaking Benjamin.

My Grade: 9.5/10.

The Fourth Album and last album for abit, i have been asked the review was Green Day's 21st Cemtury Breakdown, This album is abit like a mix between All Time Low's album and Breaking Benjamin's album again. This Is also another rocking out cd but not as rocking out as Breaking Benjamin. It would more than likely get you moshing/dancing. My favourite has to be Know Your Enemy, It's the best song on the whole cd, I mean the music Is good but the lyrics are different. The bit that caught my eye the most was: “Silence is the enemy, Against your urgency, So rally up the demons of your soul. See I find the lyrics amazing and also powering but it's like a demon is taking over and he don't know what to do. I find the album cover so usual which i guess can be good or bad which ever way you want to look at it, My favourite's on the album are: Know Your Enemy, The Static Age, Murder City And East Jesus Nowhere. This bands style of music reminds me of a mix of All Time Low and Breaking Benjamin.

My Grade: 9.8/10.

 That's it for a blog today hope i made up for yesterday's missed out blog <3 Love you all x

Ellie Vanity.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Briemo, Friends Ect...

Today i thought i could mention a few things. Briemo, Friends Ect.


If you read some of Briemo's stuff they are really powerful. I found that a couple of the poems stood out but one above the rest. It's named “My Emotions”. It goes,
I Feel
I'm sure these emotions
All have shown.
I know I have nothing to fucking live for. Im ending my life.
I want it to be done.
I'm sick of living.
I get my gun.
I'm getting eager.
I feel the shivers.
I cock the gun back.
I pull the trigger.

 - Briemo.


This is Antony, as i've mentioned on nearly all of my blogs, but he's worth mentioning. He's been here for me through thick and thin, and helped me through alot, and has amazing hair. Antony would just love to thankyou again and say your amazing. So thats why you deserve a place Antony.

Ok, so this is Ben. He has amazing hair, it's now black though, spiderbites and is my “brother”. Well he is like one to me, he's there for me and he's just Ben, come on he's ace. So thought you desereved a place on here to Ben.

This is Brian, he deserves a place because he's Brian, he has ace hair, he's my “twin”. Well that's what we like to say. Brian is an amazing person and been there with me through alot, and helps me on games on facebook. He has a few piercings and they are ace! I'm jelous because of the people he's met but at the end of the day he's Brian, and he's amazing so he deserves a place.

Chris gets a place because he is Chris. Jokes you think im going to write long ones for others and not him, don't think so. Anyway Chris gets this place because he's allways there for me too and he said i can use his camera (in the pic). He's a really nice person and we've had some right good convo's. Chris your amazing and you deserve this place.

Dan Dan, he deserves a place because he's amazing, lovely, kind, funny, good looking well everything possible. And no i am not just saying that because he is my boyfriend! I'm saying it because it's true, he's one of the only decent lads i've found in this world and i can't lose him. He is perfect in every way and i love him. That's why Dan Dan deserves a place.

Emily and Sophie, are both really amazing and they deserve a place because as you can see, they are both stunning and really nice people. Me and Emily have had loads of laughs in the past and future we will proberly have more then same goes for Me and Sophie. So that's why they deserve a place.

Emily, she has amazing hair and is very pretty, we haven't talked that much but the convo's we've had have been some of the best. So Emily deserves a place purely because she is ace and that's why she deserves a place.

Fennton, me and him have shared so many laughs and he's gave me some really good advice. No doubt that in the future he will too. He's a really amazing person and has ace hair. We've laughed about everything possible i think, from trannys to gays to even ourselfs. So that's why Fennton deserves a place.

Holly and Shaun, i haven't actually spoke to Holly much but she is really pretty and seems really nice, this one is mainly about Shaun to be honest. So Shaun, he deserves this place because just look at him, he's ace. He is really nice and there for me when i need someone to talk to and he's a really good looking person and has amazing hair! So that's why Holly and Shaun deserve a place.

Jamie, he deserves a place for a few reasons, he's fit, he's ace and our convo's are some of the most amazing convo's anyone could ever have. He's really cool and has one of the best turtle's ever! I call it his electric turtle ='). I love his turtle and i want it! Anyway thats why Jamie deserves a place.

Joe, he has amazing ginger hair and i can tell him anything. I've needed people alot recently and Joe has been here, so i thankyou Joe. So Jthat's why Joe deserves a place.

Khloe, ok so this is Khloe and she has literly been here for me through everything. Plus she was the one who got me and Dan Dan together, so i owe her big time. Khloe is one of my closest friends and we have so many laughs together about killing Jessie Slaughter ect. She's amazing and pretty with and without makeup. That's why Khloe deserves a place.

Leaah, well her makeup is amazing and she is really pretty. I love her hair also and yet again i can tell her anything and she will help me find a solution. She really is amazing and a very clever person. That's why Leaah deserves a place.

Rhinestone, he's amazing, from his hair to his piercings all the way to the famous people he's met. He's amazing and a really good friend. He has a really amazing smile which makes me smile, when im down i can look at this picture or talk to him and i end up smiling. That's why Rhinestone deserves a place.

Rosie, she is amazing, met some amazing people and our convo's are amazing even though we haven't had many. But she is ace. She's really nice and lets just say Room 94. That's why she deserves a place.

Ryan, this may be an old picture of him, but he still looks ace. He's nice and allways there for me and to catch me when i fall. If im ever upset he's allways the first to comment You ok, whats up? And im glad i have him for that because it makes me feel better and as if someone cares, but with Ryan i can tell someone cares. He's a really nice person and has amazing hair. That's why Ryan deserves a place.

Love Ellie Vanity.